Researching Women in WWII

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Learn about the resources available to trace women’s service across all military branches. Some of the links provided here will be WWII specific.


The Forgotten Horror of Ravensbrück, The Nazi Concentration Camp for Women

General Resources

Legends of the Flight Nurses of WWII

Minerva Center

National Archives – National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis (Personnel Records, Morning Reports, Payroll Records, Army Air Corps IDPFs and more)

National Archives – Women’s Research Guide

National Women’s History Museum

National World War II Museum – Women at War

Remember the Women Institute

Rutgers Oral History Archive

Sarah Lawrence College Archives: A War Scrapbook

Smithsonian Life on the Home Front – browse this educational section for other lessons that feature women

What Did Grandma Do in the War?

Women Come To the Front

Women in Military Service For America Memorial

Women in the Armed Forces Bibliography

Women in World War II Bibliography

Women’s Memorial Resources

Women of World War II – Military Photos and Images

Army (WAAC and WAC)

Army Heritage Center Voices of the Past – Women’s Army Corps

United States Army Women’s Museum

Women’s Army Corps Commemorative Booklet

Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ Association

Women in Military Service for America Memorial

Women of the U.S. Army – WAAC/WAC


Army Air Corps (WASPs)

National Archives – A People At War – Women Who Served

National Museum of the US Air Force – WASPs Fact Sheet

National WASP World War II Museum

Official Archive Women Airforce Service Pilots (Texas Woman’s University)

Wings Across America WASPs on the Web

Women in Aviation and Space History (Smithsonian)

Coast Guard (SPARS)

United States Coast Guard – Women in the U.S. Coast Guard History

Marines (MCWR)

National Museum of the Marine Corps

Navy (WAVES)

Women of the WAVES

Red Cross

American Red Cross History Page

© 2019 World War II Research and Writing Center

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