Researching the OSS in WWII

hire a military researcher oss research a veteran wwii Mar 06, 2019

There are many ways to locate information on OSS members during World War II. Start by requesting their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis. Then look for other personnel files at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Search for OSS specific mission reports and other materials at the archives. If the OSS member was Killed In Action or still considered Missing In Action, request their Individual Deceased Personnel File. Investigate online and offline resources. The suggestions and links presented here will get you started on your research. There are many more resources available.

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U.S. Resources

CIA - The OSS and the London "Free Germans"

History of WWII Infiltrations into France

This PDF has a huge list of websites, books, and a table of information. Not to be overlooked as a resource!

Office of Strategic Services Society

U.S. National Archives OSS Research Information

United Kingdom Resources

UK National Archives Records of Special Operations Executive

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